Saturday, November 1, 2014

5 Things I Loved About Paris

Now is the fun part. Now I get to share all the fun things I loved about Paris. This list was surprisingly harder to come up with than my previous list on the 5 things I hated about Paris. There were so many great things to do and see narrowing it down to just 5 was a challenge...however...challenge accepted!

Number 1: The architecture! Seriously every where I looked I was in awe. The entire city was beautiful. My favorite part of it all were the giant doors with a single doorknob usually it was a doorway into a garden area or a parking lot for an apartment complex. They were everywhere and each door had a unique doorknob it was one of my favorite things to look for as we explored. Wish I would have done a picture for each new one I saw. I loved it all because I just kept thinking how old these building truly were and all the history that they have witnessed as they were being built, tore down or restored. Not to mention most of it is just beautiful. The small designs and details that were put into these buildings, bridges, and doors was so neat to see.

Number 2: The ambiance of the city. No matter what time of day there was a sense of hussle and bussle. The cars were honking non stop, people where everywhere. I loved the street performers. They weren't like the ones in the states playing a guitar or singing. These people had violins, a Bass, even an orchestra quartet. The way the music sounded in the metro system was beautiful and it added to the feeling that we were in a movie. Even when we woke up early to go watch the sun rise, the city has this weird feeling about it almost a sense of respect. Respect because it's so much older than our country and so many events have taken place. It's that awe feeling that never leaves you as you walk through the streets no matter what time of day it is.

Number 3: Of course the landmarks, The reason why most people go to Paris, including myself, is to see the most well known landmarks in the world. Being able to go and see the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, The Louvre, Arc de Triumph, and many more was so incredible! The most common question I have been asked was what was my favorite place to see. I loved seeing the Notre dame, being able to go up to the top of the tower was so cool. Seeing the worn down stairs and knowing that it takes many many years for that type of stone to wear down like that is incredible. I also really enjoyed Versallies, it was the same feeling of being in a place where royalty and so many other important people in history have walked. To think about their stories, especially all the untold stories is what fascinated me the most. I couldn't help but think of Jane Austin's book, Pride and Prejudice. I know the setting is in England but I still thought back to that time frame and how different life would have been.

Number 4:  The art work. There is art work everywhere. I loved being able to see the different styles as the centuries passed. It gave me a sense and a small window into the life of what life was like for people back in that time frame. I also enjoyed seeing all the art work of the naked ladies...not like that you perverts! The reason I liked it is because all the women looked happy and healthy. None of them had a perfect size 2 body with big boobs or the flat stomach with a 6 pack of abs. It was inspiring because it helped me to appreciate my body more, which is always great to find more ways to do that. The other art work I loved was all the art work on the ceilings. The masterpieces that have been created are incredible and to think most of them have been able to stay in their original form without having to be updated or modified.

Number 5: This one may be cheesy and I know I have done a lot of complaining on how much we fought but the best part about Paris was who I got to see it with, my husband. I honestly don't think I would have had that great of a time if I was with anyone else. This trip provided us with many opportunities to become closer. I'll share my favorite memory one that I will think of each time this song plays. I found a music box with the song in an old Audrey Hepburn movie, I can't think of the name but we bought it and I still had it in my purse. That night we went to the Eiffel Tower and waited until the lights turned on and they started to sparkle! When they started to sparkle we turned that music box on listened to the music as we hugged each other closer and danced. Talk about being in a movie. It was perfect. At that moment we weren't fighting, we weren't even talking to one another. We were just enjoying each other's company and watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle. It was the most romantic moment we had and one that only could have happened there, with him. I will never forget that and Paris definitely wouldn't have been the same with out him.

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