Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Diet Pyramid Scheme

Ever have that moment of realization, the realization that you've completely let yourself go? I had that just the other day. I went bridesmaid dress shopping with a few friends and it was a sad realization I was the biggest one. And now recently my skin is starting to hurt because it's having to stretch again. Some may think this is an exaggeration but it's sadly the truth. 

This made me think about how I got
to this point. Last year this time I was fitting into a size 7 and running almost an hour and a half daily. Now I'm a size 11/12 and can barely run for 25 mins. This is so depressing to think how one small choice can lead to so many bad choices that trying to get back on track is just plain depressing. Thinking about my choices to eat poorly or not workout that day lead me to come up with the diet pyramid scheme. I know when I hear the words pyramid scheme I automatically think about the negative. But there are some people and some companies that have a system built up that can be very helpful and beneficial for those involved.

This is a pyramid scheme is not one that others get us involved in it's one that we put on ourselves. It's one that like most pyramid schemes can be either really good for some or really bad for others.

Think about the people who succeed at those type of businesses. They are the self-motivated individuals ready for a positive change in their lives, willing to put in the effort to build up their team full of positive people who can help them succeed. Now on the other hand those who don't succeed tend to just end up wasting time and money. These are the people who are wishful thinkers that don't want to put in the time and effort to get the results they want, usually hoping to find that one person who will do all the work to get them to the top.

The diet pyramid scheme is just like the business pyramid schemes. People who are ready for a change in their bodies, lifestyles, and who are motivated to do what it takes are usually the ones who see the biggest difference and keep on track for the long haul. The ones who can motivate people and see the results they want over time. These people are the ones that are building their pyramid on positive choices by eating better and working out properly.  People who are wishful and unrealistic tend to make the right choices for a little bit hoping to get the results they want. These people usually end up being depressed because the weight is not coming off and they aren't going to see the results they want. Building their pyramid on negativity, poor eating habits, and lacking the proper work outs.

Now I can understand both sides of the pyramid. Last year I was on the positive side. Working my ass off to lose all 30lbs of baby weight and to finally FEEL good in my body. However, this year, once I started working I was sitting for 8 plus hours a day. I start making excuses for why I wasn't working out or why I was eating more junk food. Those bad choices started out slowly and then gradually became a norm in my daily life. I am now 25lbs heavier since January and I FEEL like crap in my own body. Well I'm done being on the wishful thinking and having unrealistic goals that lead me to nowhere. Nowhere but sad and depressed; eating a large candy bar, followed by a whole bottle of salsa and practically a whole bag of chips. And don't forget about all the wine! The problem is I get started and I'm doing well and staying strong for a week or two at a time then I find some reason usually it was a trip to stop working out. I'd tell myself, you can just start again when you get home...That leads to me having to start all over again and thus the cycle begins again.

If you look at the earlier posts I kept saying I'm done with this crap, no more for me....well it was all bullshit really. Just me crying wolf, it was me thinking I was really ready to take on such a large challenge. But I wasn't ready, there were too many excuses I kept making over and over. Now I feel like since I have all of my trips out of the way. A wedding to look good for in 5 months, and I'm not working anymore. I have zero excuses not to get back into shape and to feel better about myself.  This doesn't just include working out this also included the foods I eat and how much I drink. I am going to challenge myself to 30 days of clean eating starting on December 1. Of course I'll have cheat days on Christmas and New Years Eve but I'd really like to get back to my strict eating habits and working out habits as well. I have 25lbs to lose and a size 6 dress to fit into by April. I'm done being on the negative side of the diet pyramid scheme. No more building up my pyramid with poor choices. Today it is all about positive reinforcement.This means talking to myself  in a kinder way, being happy about the good choices I make and thinking about the bigger picture. This means that I know with time and patience the results I want will happen and not in two weeks. Two weeks isn't long enough to be where I want to...two months is different. By then it will be fun to see how far I've come along. I'll post my recipes and reviews as I take on the 30 day clean eating challenge. Anyone else who wants to join I'd love to be of support and have more support.

Think about it, what type of pyramid are you building yourself up on...the good or the bad?

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