Wednesday, September 7, 2016

What's Your Motivation?

Today I was running errands and I everywhere I drove there were people working out. And each person was a different size. It was interesting to see people in different phases of the workout cycle. It got me thinking, are the people that look like they are in great shape satisfied with the way they look? Or are they in the same mind frame I am...I have to get better, I have to look better. I also wondered what motivates them? That's the best thing about fitness though is that everyone has different goals and does it for different reasons. Some want to lose weight, others want to gain weight, some just want to build muscle, and others just want to build a little bit. Some don't even care about the weight but are working out to keep their body and mind healthy. Which for me gives me hope. And also reminds me that I can not compare myself to some of these people. Some are willing to work harder then I am or are more strict with their diet. For me, right now, I need to focus on my goals and my motivation for working out.

Starting the weight-loss journey is always a challenge but I have found that when I have lost the most weight I have had a specific reason on why I want to get better. So why do I work out? Why do I want to lose weight? Well each is different from the other, I work out because I love how it makes me feel. I love that I can keep my depression under wraps when I'm working out regularly. Even when I'm heavier like right now, working out still makes me feel strong and capable. And I love that feeling. That's the feeling that keeps me active.

Now the reason I want to lose weight can all be summed up in one picture. A picture that I know describes feelings of many women. A picture that I know many women have experienced. But for me it's enough to motivate me.

This picture is of me trying my hardest NOT to break down crying in the dressing room. We went shopping for new pants on Sunday because I literally had 2 decent pants that kind of fit me. The rest of my wardrobe is too small now. Which is depressing in itself but when I have to go and try on pants it's almost too overwhelming for me. It ruins my whole day. These size 13's were too small and I hated the way I felt trying them on. I hated the way I felt at this moment.

This feeling is why I want to lose weight. I don't want to go shopping and hold back tears of sadness and frustration. If I'm crying in a dressing room I want it to be because I can finally fit into a size that makes me feel comfortable again. A size that makes me feel confident. This feeling is strong enough to whip my mind into shape. I feel after Sunday I am mentally prepared for the LONG journey to get me back where I want to be.  I know it's not impossible but trying to reach that goal in just a few weeks or even months just isn't what will make it stick. I know if I expect fast results then I quit after the 2nd week. This time I'm in it for a long while.

On a side has been day 2 of changing poor eating habits. I'm already having to fight the battles of choosing between getting a Dr. Pepper or not. Seriously I want one so bad! I can even imagine the taste in my mouth. It's only been 1 full day of no soda and I know my body is detoxing from it but I know have to fight the urge. I can't go back to that feeling. I will keep fighting this each day until it no longer becomes a struggle. Just like saying no to bread or chocolate after a week or two my body doesn't even crave it. It's important to push past this first month. And this time I know I can do it, I'm ready!

So what's your motivation? Are you ready?

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