Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Little Things

It's amazing what a little positive thinking and a little tiny bit of confidence can do to a person. This past week I realized I only had 6 weeks before my friends wedding. I didn't want to be uncomfortable and be self conscious the entire time I was there. This past week I've done well on eating better and I worked out 5 days a week and even better I was back down to 177lbs. I have started back into my routine I know that works for me. Counting macros was a great eye opener for me and helped me realized that I could have 1 piece of bread as long as I balanced out the rest of my meals. I'm back to eating chicken or steak fajitas that I buy marinated and prepped at the local grocery store. And I also have been making ceviche because I can eat a ton of it without worry about how much fat is in it. I have also been making better snacking choices which is great!

Today I felt so much better about myself despite the fact that I have only lost 3 lbs and that's not enough at my weight to see a difference. I'm hoping that by the time this wedding comes around I can say I've lost 13lbs! How awesome would that be. If I can stick with this routine of mine I know I can do it. I think the eating better has really helped my mood. I also think it's the new gym I joined. It's just FUN! There's no other way to describe it. The energy in that place is amazing, the people who I workout with are all so encouraging and positive. The music is great, I find myself dancing during the workouts. And best of all it's always different and always a challenge. I find that my endurance is getting better. With crossfit the workouts are short and hard, with KOA Kingdom the workouts are a lot longer and still hard. With any weight loss journey these high moments make it motivating and make me want to keep going. Let's hope this high last longer then 2 weeks.

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