Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fun Outdoor Tabata Workout

I have been stepping my game up recently to get prepared for the Spartan Race my husband and I are doing at the end of June. Recently I injured my knee some how so I was looking for ways to still get a good cardio workout that will build my endurance. I asked my dad who is a certified personal trainer and he suggested Tabata workouts. Last week I did 3 and I loved it. What I've been doing is 10-11 different workouts in a row 4 times and then I rest for 2-3 minutes and go back and do another 4 workouts 4 times. The workout listed above was modified first because I suck at pull ups and second I wanted a good ab workout.  I did run slow 1 mile as my warm up and made sure I stretched properly. And I did take longer breaks when needed, especially when I felt my knee was starting to hurt. Always pay attention to your body so you can help minimize the risk of serious injury.

So for the workout above what I used was:

1 Large Tire
1 Large ball
1 60lb sand bag (got mine at home depot for $5)
2 10lb weights
1 20lb kettlebell
Gloves because I don't like touching spiders

The first round of Tabata included: (repeat 4x)

Kettlebell squats
Incline Shoulder Press (This is where I used the ball to create an incline bench)
Bicep Curls
Toe Squats-not sure the real name but go up on your toes and go into a deep squat then lift up and onto your toes.
Russian Twists (Abs)
Sand bag carry (walked around at a fast pace...will work up to running with it)
Tire flip
Lunge Jump Switch

Rest 2-4 mins

Second Round of Tabata (Repeat 4x)

Quick alternating step touches
Plank while lowering one side of hip to the ground then switching
jumping jacks
Spartan bear crawl

It was definitely a challenge but it was fun. And best part was it didn't feel like a 30 minutes work out!

I loved it so much I can't wait to try it again...maybe next time I create a whole new workout.

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