Saturday, May 9, 2015

Finding the Balance

The past couple of months I have really been learning to balance my weight loss goals with my happiness. It's been a real challenge trying not to fall back into the bad habits of insulting myself every time I look in the mirror or feel guilty as I eat the delicious pizza. Or thinking about how hard I have to workout just to enjoy that piece of pizza. I feel like I am finally leaning in the right direction. I have been giving myself the benefit of the doubt. I don't eat "clean" like most health nuts but I do make good choices when I make my food. I have cut back A LOT on eating out and I enjoy making healthier foods at home. The problem with finding this balance is that it's so easy to get swept right back into the old mental habits I've done for so long. It's even harder when everyone around me is doing the same. Insulting their bodies, feeling guilty for splurging and enjoying the "bad" foods. There are some days where I have to tune the people out. I ignore what they have to say because I don't want to start doubting myself and how I feel about myself. And I know we are supposed to encourage each other but there are days where I feel like if I sympathize with people in regards to how they're feeling I'm enabling their bad habits to continue.

One of the many good thing to come out of this transition is that now instead of feeling guilty about what I eat I feel guilty when I talk bad about myself. Whether I'm talking to a friend or to myself as I pass by a mirror. By doing that it makes me a hypocrite and takes me farther away from moving forward. Besides I know deep down inside I'm fishing for compliments. When in reality I should be the one giving myself the compliments. Not to create a cocky sense of self worth but to create a confident and accepting sense of self worth. Other people's opinions aren't what matter when it comes to my body and how I feel, my opinion is the only one that should count. Unfortunately finding that happiness part of the balance is by far the hardest. But I'm working on not only changing my body to where I feel the most comfortable and happy. But I'm also changing the way I think about my body and different ideas on what happiness is. Thankfully I am part of a great Facebook group that inspire women to find the balance and to find the joy along the way. It's been a huge help having that positive influence and has really made a difference in how I am going about accomplishing my goals.

I'm far from where I need to be and am frustrated I'm not progressing as fast as I want with my weight loss goals. But I now that I'm working on it the right way and I'm keeping myself healthy and in good shape. And in the long run what is your ultimate goal anyway for wanting to lose weight?Mine is to be comfortable in my clothes and to be an example for
my children that being fit allows me to participate in so many fun activities and will hopefully keep me healthy so I can live a long time.  

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