Monday, November 21, 2016

Can't Hide Anywhere

Recently I got off of facebook because I was checking it too often and honestly I was sick of all the bitching. So now I'm only on instagram...however, the only problem is with instagram all I see are fitness accounts. Women who have lost 100 pounds or are trying to lose 50 pounds or even those who are trying to lose 5 pounds. It's everywhere!!! I can't hide anywhere from the constant reminder that I'm not "perfect". Which leaves me with mixed emotions. It makes me angry and depressed because I feel like I am slacking. It slightly motivates me to do better. But really it just makes me annoyed. I'm annoyed because I just don't understand why all these women who are bragging about positive self-esteem and positive body image are only posing and posting shit right along with all the other fitness junkies or wanna be instafamous accounts. I know in their mind they're hoping to be a motivation and to be someone's inspiration. Well to me I see it as adding on to the issue of body image. The reason being is that because we are making such a big fucking deal about it, that it is consuming everything.

I hate it and yes I know I'm being a hypocrite. I got off facebook because of the bitching and here I am complaining. I just don't understand how we reached this point where how we look means more then how we act.

I wish I didn't care but I know how much easier it is to be in new places or out on a date looking and feeling great. It makes a world of difference when you feel pretty and when you feel confident. And I hate that when I try to focus on that and then I get on instagram and get sucked right back into the, "I have to lose weight mentality". It sucks. But don't get me wrong. I think those women who have lost all the weight and are working their asses off to reach their goals are amazing. But I just don't like the constant reminders that I'm on a tetter-totter with my health goals. What's that saying, if you don't want to watch something change the channel or turn off the tv. Well I'm going to do just that, delete all the fitness accounts I follow and stay focused on my goals and my life.

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