Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Weight lose vs happiness: Losing the battle

Well fuck this!  I've been doing so good and then christmas happened now it's been 2 weeks since my last workout and I've eaten like complete shit. Each time I put something bad in my mouth I tried to justify it as enjoying the holidays.  I enjoyed them alright but there was no balance.  Now I'm even more disappointed in myself and I feel even worse in my skin.  So fuck it! 

I hate feeling this way,  I hate getting off track.  I'm to the point now where I'm just pissed at myself. I need something more,  a better plan to help me find that balance between the battle of Losing weight and my happiness.  Because right now I'm definitely losing. I'm at a loss as to what to do but I'll figure something out...I hope.

I wish I was one of those lucky people who could have a personal chef and a trainer. Seriously a month or two of that would be amazing and would get back in the habit of eating good and working out.  But I know that's a far fetched option so my only option is for me to stop wasting time and get my ass in grear.  Why if I've already lost 30lbs once am I struggling to get started again. I know how great I felt when I was in shape I thought it would be enough motivation but I guess I was wrong.  Maybe this time I need a little more of a support system and not just myself. we will see I'm going to have it figured out in the next 2 days so I can start 2015 off right. 

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