Wednesday, September 10, 2014

I'm Getting Too Comfortable

Do you find that being lazy is sometimes just too comfortable. For me being lazy is something I do daily; trying to wake up in the morning and hitting the snooze button at least three times (..remember I told you I'm not a morning person). When on the other hand when I'm motivated or have a goal it's easy to wake up after the alarm first goes off. The difference between the lazy feeling and the motivated feeling in this scenario is that while yes it does feel nice and comfortable to lay in bed for just a few more minutes it feels even better once the energy you get after finally waking up kicks in and you can start your day...I always ask myself why it took so long to wake up when I feel this good.  I was just too comfortable in my bed where I was nice and warm I don't have to get up to make breakfast and get my day started. It's so easy for me to come up with excuses on why I should get just a few more minutes of sleep. Too bad I can't just be awake and ready to start the day instead I battle with this daily and end up wasting a good 30-45 minutes of my morning.

This is similar to how I feel about working out. When I get too comfortable with my routine, my "laziness" I find that I hit my snooze button on working out. But my snooze button isn't just 5 minutes it's a full day. I tell myself, "I'll start tomorrow, today I'll get some rest, drinks lots of water, and be ready to go...tomorrow!"  Unfortunately one day turns into a full week and then a full week turns to two and so on. It's a hard cycle to break and when I finally do I always ask myself why it took so long, because I always feel so much better when I am staying active and working out. My clothes feel better on me, I'm much more confident, and I have more energy.

It's getting started that's my problem. I get too comfortable and I find that I put up barriers or walls that stop my from seeing the path I need to take. These barriers are my excuses and my laziness for putting it off one more day. I find that it overwhelms me to think about how many barriers I have to go through just to get where I how do I get out of these ruts. The first thing is to think of reachable goals. These goals allow me to start knocking down my false barriers one by one. a wake up call where I realize that I've been stuck in my same lazy rut  for too long and it's time that I change my attitude and to tell myself that I am not going to let this get the best of me. My reachable goals for the next 2 weeks will be:
1) I am going to pick up my weight program that was created for me
2.) Commit to being active for 30 mins a day plus the weights.
3.) To only drink water for the next 2 weeks (with the exception of my husband's birthday).

I feel that these goals are within reach and will help me knock down the biggest barrier of all...starting the routine. Once I have that first wall torn down I can see the pathway ahead of me and all the wonderful possibilities. I'll start on my goals today and I will even post my pictures up to keep me accountable for maintaining my goals week by week.

It's time I get comfortable in my skin again. No more Excuses!


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