Sunday, August 31, 2014

Far Away But So Close

This blog is going to be a place for my friend Weronika (Veronica) and me (Lisa) to post about our struggles with staying motivated to be healthy. This isn't going to be redistricted just to physical appearances but also staying mentally healthy. We are both moms with 2 young children at home, our husbands work very hard to give us a comfortable life and we both love our pets. Weronika is a nurse and I am going to school to be a teacher. We have been best friends for the last 10 years. We have supported each other through our husbands deployments, each others pregnancies, successes and losses. She is the one person I confide in and vise versa. The only problem is that she lives in Colorado and I live in Utah. That may not seem like it but she is so far away I'm just so happy that with technology we have been able to stay close friends. This blog is our shared place so one post may be from Weronika while another maybe from me. Keep in mind that even though we basically share one brain we each have our own opinions and outlooks on life. There may be controversial topics that we share on this page but it in no way represents or reflects how the other person feels. As any true friendship should be I respect her opinions and she respects mine. If we disagree that doesn't mean we think of the person any less but it also doesn't give us the right to insult and ridicule each other for how they feel. We ask that same respect be given from our readers and we will in turn give you the same respect. I hope that you enjoy our blogs about fitness, food, family, and much more!

(In the picture Weronika is on the left and I am on the Right)

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